Tuesday 24 February 2015

Engine Mounts

Next up is to get some new engine mounts welded
onto the frame. The earlier aircooled front engine
mounts are positioned the same as the later LC
ones but are the full width of the cases so the
existing mounts on the frame will have to be removed.

I plan to use 2 sets of mounts either side, an inner
and outer mount. The engine will bolt onto the inner
mount and that will in turn bolt to the outer mount
welded to the frame.

Mock up of the 3 engine mounting points to be used initially.

Mock up of Inner and outer mounts

Welded Cases

Both cases have been welded and dressed to accept the cover.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Clean Crank Case

Attacked the crankcases with Engine Cleaner, Diesel
and a tooth brush then finished off with a brass wheel
attached to a drill on the outer surfaces followed by a 
stainless steel brush on a dremil for the small spaces.
This is familiar work, had to do a lot of it on the aprilia re-build.

It turned out that there was very light oxidisation on the
outer surfaces of the cases thanks to the layer of dirt, 
earth, compost, organic matter but i uncovered two nasty 
little details that need attention...

The lower crankcase bolt hole at the final drive bearing
has suffered from the incorrect bolt being inserted at some
stage in a past life. The top case has a section missing
about 10mm wide. Hope to have them back from the aluminium
welders this evening, luckily this is the dry side of the engine.


Tuesday 17 February 2015

Split Cases

I have had this engine for about 4 years
and its finally stripped. I think the crank
needs re-building ! . . . and the cases really
need to be cleaned.

Monday 16 February 2015

Spaced out Hanger

In order for the swingarm to clear the left side footrest/hanger
i placed tapered spacers behind the hanger mounting points.
Another issue waiting for me is the clearance between the
swingarm and the expansion chamber on the left hand side.
i'll worry about that later.

Next up is breaking the engine . . .

Dog Bones

Measuring, Fabricating and Fitting of the
new links to connect Frame, Shock and
Swingarm. The links from the shock to
the frame are temporary until the engine
is fitted.

Sunday 8 February 2015

YZF-R125 Swingarm

is now fitted with temporary spacers.
Wheel also fitted temporarily.
It all lines up nicely except for a minor issue . . .
the swingarm will not clear the left side hanger
Next up is fabricating the shock links and locating the shock
and flaring the hanger!


So here is the rolling F2 YPVS frame.
The plan is to fit an existing aprilia RS125 front end
and a Yamaha YZF-R125 swinger with the existing
Honda Varadero wheel and brakes.