Saturday 14 January 2012

Bling Bling #1

After approximately 18 hours of sanding and polishing the frame is finally at a stage that I am happy with. With more time and effort the result could have been better but I was just not willing to put that into it.

I started with a rough 180 grade paper on a sanding mouse to get the heavy pitting out, I then moved onto a finer 240 grade on the mouse and some hand sanding. From there I used the wet and dry paper starting with 400 grade through 800, 1000 and finishing with 2000.
After the sanding I attacked the frame with polishing mops, course and medium. I started off with the cutting compound and ended with autosol paste. Pitting can still be seen and some fine sanding marks but again I gave it enough time at 18 hours. It is a big change from the state it was in at the start.

Just to finish off I coated it with ACF50 which dulls the metal slightly.

These images were taken with a Canon 7D and Sigma 12-24.

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